Back to School at Nicholas K, Mara Hoffman, Whitney Eve

People’s Revolution, Kelly Cutrone’s PR firm, snuck in not just two, but three shows at once. Nicholas K, Mara Hoffman and Whitney Eve (Whitney Port’s line, in its first time at the tents) all shared the stage, for no apparent reason. But they all have Ms Cutrone in common. Starting late and impossibly long, the three designers did have a little more in common: ice cream-bright colors and a glam slant. Nicholas K and Whitney Eve’s programs each mentioned sherbert at least once; Mara’s show was seaside themed. So many show notesread “80’s!” or “DYNASTY!” and there was some truth in that as Nicholas K, via an electro soundtrack and neon colors that also felt very “Saved By The Bell.” Back to schoool, indeed.

When Whitney sent out her ruffled, business-ready looks to a soundtrack of pop favorites, the room was pleasantly surprised (her The City friends cheered, and then preened). She’s forgotten all about school, after all.There was a whole lot of  bright geo prints.Meanwhile Ms. Hoffman’s casting call must have read “exotic,” as tanned and oiled models sported African and Indian prints, in flowing silk, chiffon and georgette. “Two’s company, three’s a crowd,” but at Fashion Week that’s not so bad.