Into: Co-Star’s Celestially Vague ‘Your Day At a Glance’ Notifications

“Into” is a series dedicated to objects, artworks, garments, exhibitions, and all orders of things that we are into — and there really isn’t a lot more to it than that. Today: Ernest Macias reflects on the daily—uplifting, devastating, and often unnecessary—celestial “Your Day at a Glance” push notifications from the astrology app Co-Star.

I’M INTO Co-Star‘s “Your Day at a Glance” horoscope notifications because even though I don’t consider myself an AstroHoe (a very real term used to describe humans interested in Astrology), I like to believe that my daily actions, and mishaps, are caused by celestial formations and their placement at any given time. If you’re like me, you know that Co-Star is an Astrology app that combines AI-powered tools, data from NASA, and real professional astrologers to build birth charts, and deliver daily horoscopes that offer cooing, yet ambiguous, assessments like “You’re due for a ‘self-love’ day.” or “Be your own other half.” I’m a Sagittarius, rising Cancer, and Aries moon — because of this, I often feel seen, and understood, by Co-Star’s daily updates. Other times, I feel like the AI composing my horoscope is doing its best to roll me. “Don’t get stuck in a cycle of self-pity,” it tells me, brusquely. It’s own form of Suck it up, buttercup when I’m experiencing off-days or whenever Mercury is in retrograde. Although, I’m skeptical about the way its “Your Day at a Glance” notifications are built, I can’t help but look forward to receiving them. It’s become part of my daily routine and, it’s even been known to help me put my existence into a broader context, say, one that’s as vast as the universe itself. Most importantly, though, these horoscopes make me laugh, and they remind me that I’m human. I can’t control everything, which, at times, includes myself — and if Co-Star ain’t gonna check me, who will?