Q & Andy: Michael Kors

From his former gig as a reality-show bon vivant to being name-checked by Nicki Minaj on a Big Sean track, the American arbiter of jet-set style has established himself as one of the most recognizable names in fashion today. But what do we really know about the designer? To find out more about the man behind the aviators, we asked him some questions from the writings of Warhol that have nothing to do with clothes.

ANDY WARHOL: What did you have for breakfast?

MICHAEL KORS: Iced tea and a chocolate protein shake.

WARHOL: Are you a good cook?

KORS: I rarely cook when I’m in New York. But when I’m at our beach house on eastern Long Island, I like to cook simple, fresh things, such as a great steak or grilled fish. And it’s not really cooking, but I like to make ice cream.

WARHOL: When do you get nervous?

KORS: No matter how much I fly, when it’s bumpy, I get jumpy.

WARHOL: Is there anything you regret not doing?

KORS: Posing in a speedo at 20.

WARHOL: What are you reading right now?

KORS: Joan Juliet Buck’s memoir The Price of Illusion. Next on my list is Theft of Finding, the first volume of David Sedaris’ diaries.

WARHOL: Where do you dance?

KORS: Preferably? Barefoot or a beach.

WARHOL: Who do you think is like Errol Flynn now?

KORS: Colin Farrell.

WARHOL: Do you get your eight hours a night?

KORS: No. I’m curious by nature so I like to see, watch, and read everything. I’m more of a six-hours-a-night person.

WARHOL: Who’s your dream date?

KORS: Diana Vreeland.

WARHOL: What’s your favorite color?

KORS: Orange. I’m a Leo after all.

WARHOL: Who’s the nicest person you’ve worked for?

KORS: I haven’t worked for anyone since my days at Lothar’s [a now-closed Midtown Manhattan boutique], but I did appreciate everyone there. They took a chance on a 21-year-old, and the experience I gained in return was priceless.

WARHOL: Do you dream?

KORS: I always dream about St. Barts. But it’s not the actual St. Barts, it’s my own version.

WARHOL: What do you think about love?

KORS: It’s like oxygen.