Oliver Peoples Celebrate Their 25th Anniversary

“Paul Allen has mistaken me for this dickhead Marcus Halberstram,” Patrick Bateman angrily mutters in American Psycho. “[Marcus] also has a penchant for Valentino suits and Oliver Peoples glasses. Marcus and I even go to the same barber, although I have a slightly better haircut,” Bateman continues.
Hard to believe, but Oliver Peoples turned the big 2-5 this year. To celebrate their anniversary collection, XXV, the eyewear brand released a short film directed by Patrick Hoelck and starring Ray Liotta and Bar Paly. Styled by Johnny Wujek, the quick two-minute film “Stage 9” is set at the iconic Sony Studios to the hypnotizing song Love Story by Rich Skillz. Liotta and Paly play a sexy “cat-and-mouse” game that exemplifies the brand’s classic-cool appeal, all the while wearing the XXV-S and XXV-RX glasses.
According to co-founder Larry Leight, the collection itself is based on a sketch Leight drew, but never produced, in 1989. “I wanted it to be new for our consumer, but still remain true to our roots. My rediscovery of these designs encompass exactly that,” Leight explained. Priced between $340 and $430, and available online at Oliver Peoples.