Bland Philanthronpists Need Not Apply

Hollywood may have taken it a bit far when they showed an 20,000-foot tidal wave towering over the Himalayas in the previews for 2012, Roland Emmerich-directed film slated for release in July. Such climate change is going to require some serious changes in the collective fashion consciousness-flood pants, anyone?
To pre-empt such a future, Mariel Gamboa founded L.E.N.Y., a label that gathers celebrities, fashion icons and designers to donate their designs to support The Climate Project, Al Gore’s project for environmental research and awareness. This January 2009, L.E.N.Y.’s fourth “session” of designs hit stores, and 80% of the profits go straight to The Climate Project. And these aren’t your regular bland celebrity philanthropists: the designs come Angela Lindvall, Craig McDean, Emanuelle Alt, Brana Wolf, Tom Pecheux, Stefano Pilati and Mert & Marcus, to name a few. Heating up, getting cool—who knows?
Available for sale online at, and Alchemist Miami.