Weekend News Roundup! Neil Armstrong Dies; Snooki Gives Birth


Happy Monday! Here’s our compendium of pop-culture news you may have missed while you were doing more important things over the weekend.

43 years, one month, and five days after he first stepped on the moon, astronaut Neil Armstrong died on Saturday at age 82. May he rest in peace. [NYT]

• When God closes a heroic, respected, dignified door, he opens a squalling, less-than-promising window: Snooki gave birth in the wee hours of Sunday morning, to a baby boy named Lorenzo Dominic LaValle. [People]

• The National will open for President Obama at a speech in Des Moines on September 1. He’s Mr. November! [Pitchfork]

• In an extremely sleepy weekend box office, nothing opened in the top five: The Expendables 2 took the top spot, at $13.5M, followed by The Bourne Legacy at $9.3M, ParaNorman at $8.5M, The Campaign with $7.4M, and The Dark Knight Rises with $7.2M. Ho hum. [BOM]

• Katy Perry reportedly rejected a $20 million offer to become an American Idol host. For those keeping track, that’s $2 million more than Mariah Carey’s making. Which might not seem like a lot, but then you realize that it’s two million dollars. [TMZ]

• Warner Bros. is reportedly considering Andy and Lana Wachowski, directors of The Matrix and the upcoming Cloud Atlas adaptation, for its long-gestating Justice League project. Hope Andy and Lana are ready for some gigantic piles of money! [Moviehole]

• NPR has a bunch of First Listens this week: the new Deerhoof, Stars, Animal Collective, and Cat Power albums are all available for your streaming pleasure. [NPR]

• Katie Holmes’ fashion line is being staged at The Box in Lincoln Center at 9:30 a.m. on September 9, which means it’s going up against Michael Kors’ show at 10. It’s easy to pretend this means they’re “going up against” each other, but Fashionista asserts, correctly, that what it really means is that editors and buyers will show up at 9:30 on the dot, take a spin around Katie’s show, then head to Michael’s. [Fashionista]