Holiday Weekend News Roundup! The Price of Sanity

Happy Tuesday! Here’s our compendium of pop-culture news you may have missed while you were doing more important things over the weekend.
• Dakota Johnson (spawn of Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson) and Charlie Hunnam will star in the film adaptation of 50 Shades of Grey. Enraged Twitter naysayers probably do not watch Sons of Anarchy, because those who do are well aware Hunnam is the sexiest human in the history of mankind. [E!]
• Miley Cyrus responded to the backlash surrounding her provocative MTV VMA performance in a totally humdrum and obvious way. [NY Daily News]
• Kanye West was reportedly paid $3 million to perform in Kazakhstan at the president’s grandson’s wedding. There’s an obvious Borat joke here somewhere. [Daily Mail]
• One Direction: This is Us won the weekend box office with $15.8 million because this is the world we live in. Lee Daniel’s The Butler took in $14.8 million and We’re the Millers came third with $12.6 million. [BOM]
• Thanks to those out for revenge and/or harboring a particularly sick sense of humor, it is now a trend to sell and purchase positive pregnancy tests on Craigslist. [The Cut]
• You can put a price on sanity! It is costing Amanda Bynes $3,500 a day. [TMZ]
• Dennis Rodman is going back to North Korea to visit his pal Kim Jong-un. [THR]