Tonight in Vaudeville: Ryan McNamara

Still from The Star Parade, 2009. Courtesy the artist.
New York artist Ryan McNamara creates performances and videos imbued with humorous, macabre pop culture references, trenchant inquiries into identity, and a healthy dose of American spotlight-seeking. McNamara’s performance tonight, “The Star Parade,” puts the artist in the role of variety show host. He will present an array of acts, most still undisclosed, though there’s little doubt that the show as a whole will be heavily endowed with the artist’s canny, double-twisted wit. Read the interview on Art in America‘s web site.
Ryan McNamara performs tonight, 7–9 PM. Salon94 Freemans is located at 1 Freeman Alley, New York. McNamara is featured in the current group show, “Stars,” at the gallery.