The Three Laws of Coachella



Welcome to Coachella, the three-day music festival that’s Disney World for music-loving, celebrity-spotting adults. My team and I headed to Palm Springs Coachella virgins; we returned something else. Here are our three life lessons:

1. Arrive on Thursday and leave on Monday: Leave yourself the day to people watch and the night to party.
2.  Traffic. Add two hours  to your set times and leave before 11 PM. You can hear the encore in the parking lots.
3.  There are 10 zillion different wrist bands for VIP and backstage access. There will always be a more exclusive wrist band.


Douglas Perrett is the casting agent behind COACD (Confessions of a Casting Director). He and his team casts their weekend in Coachella in a more fashionable light, with cameos by Allison Mosshart, Jeremy Scott and Alexander Wang. See above.