Atlanta Rappers Coco & Clair Clair Get Drunk and Hit the Mall

All photos courtesy of Coco & Clair Clair.
Coco & Clair Clair, the Atlanta pop duo beloved by Lana Del Rey, are a month out from the release of their highly-anticipated third album, Girl. “This one felt like a baby girl,” they said, “whereas our last project, Sexy, felt more like a baby boy.” The pair just announced a North American fall headline tour and dropped “Kate Spade,” a catty single that’s out today. Even with all the teasers, we needed more from the girls, so they agreed to share a day in their lives kicking it around Atlanta, beginning with ranch water and mezcal and ending with cartwheels on the front lawns of strangers.
“Our happy place! In true suburban girl fashion we wanted to take you to the mall. Avalon has everything you could want like cocktails, a Free People, a luxury hotel, and a movie theater with the nice, big reclining chairs. The suburbs are amazing.”
CLAIR CLAIR: Coco and I usually have a glass of wine together before going out but we couldn’t choose where to eat so we decided to head to Avalon a little early and get a drink at The Cape before dinner. I ordered a watermelon spritz sort of thing because I’m in a cheeky fun summery mood but I ended up sending it back because something in it tasted weird. Not pictured are the oysters and crab dip which both tasted great! I love getting drinks with Coco because it allows us to catch up outside of work and talk about our feelings, hopes, and dreams. A lot of our life together revolves around gorgeous cocktails and gossiping – a combination that usually leads to very fruitful songwriting sessions.
COCO: I got a frozen espresso martini! I’ve only ever had a frozen one here and I love it because it’s heavy on the vodka. I love getting drinks with Claire because what girl doesn’t love getting drinks with her bestie in the lush quiet suburbs of Atlanta?
“Superica is an iconic favorite of ours. We have a lot of memories here and it’s an especially fun place to go with a big group of friends. For drinks we each ordered a ranch water and a shot of mezcal; the most perfect chasers to the vodka espresso martinis we had at The Cape. And for dinner, we both ordered enchiladas. Another amazing restaurant at Avalon is Antico, which is the best pizza in Atlanta. Someone should make a movie like Michael Winterbottom’s The Trip where the two of us go to every restaurant in Avalon or wherever and talk about the food, we’d be really good at that.”
CLAIR CLAIR: One of my favorite things to do at Avalon is get to-go drinks and walk around the shops because you never know what you’ll end up buying or why you bought it. My least favorite part of Avalon is all of the cars, but it’s an outdoor live/work/play space so of course there are going to be cars. For some reason, though, it’s a trend for men to drive their expensive cars around the shops in circles just to show off…I hate that…imagine if your husband did that. I have seen some pretty cool cars though, someone has an iridescent Bentley which I obviously love to look at.
COCO: Saw our first-ever Tesla truck here this night but didn’t get a picture.
“Avalon has everything you might expect from an upscale southern mall like a Tesla dealership, Lilly Pulitzer, and Vineyard Vines. We took a photo outside of the Chanel beauty store because it looked cool but truthfully speaking, we’ve always felt a kindred spirit between Chanel and Coco & Clair Clair because of all of the C’s… Chanel should sponsor us.”
CLAIR CLAIR: After shopping we took our to-go cocktails over to one of the many lawns that double as front yards for the people who decide to live at Avalon. Coco can do cartwheels which amazes me. There’s nothing better than drinking a cocktail in an empty outdoor mall while your friend does cartwheels for you.
COCO: I can’t do a cartwheel.
CLAIR CLAIR: We finished the night off by moving to a different empty lawn because cops came and told us we had to leave the other one. This other lawn is nice because it has a fountain and it overlooks the movie theatre, which is fun because you get to see how happy or unhappy someone might look as they leave a showing. Most of the shops and restaurants at Avalon close between 8-10 pm so there isn’t much to do once the sun goes down, but it’s a very peaceful place when it’s dead and you have a cocktail. And anyway, since finishing the album all I’ve wanted to do is sit around and be still. We’re going on tour soon so I have to enjoy the silence while it lasts.
COCO: Honestly for the best this place closes early or else we’d turn it upside down by at least midnight…