Natalie Westling
Who am I: Natalie Westling.
Person I would like to switch places with: Honestly wouldn’t like to switch places with anyone.
Events I wish I’d witnessed: The ocean festival in del mar california which changed the style of skateboarding.
My idea of happiness: Boarding on a sunny day in L.A. Being able to be and do anything you [have] a passion for.
My biggest fear: Heights.
My greatest adventure: Taking a private jet home to Arizona with my mom and cats.
Something I’d like to change: Trump being president.
Things I’ll be remembered by: Being low key and fun to hang with.
One thing I’d like to forget: No comment lol.
Something I’d like to accomplish: Owning my own skate brand.
Things that inspire me: Skating and my job.
Who I’d like to be: A role model for kids.