Moynat Cooks Up Something New

French trunkmaker Moynat opened up its private rooms above its shop on rue Saint Honoré this morning to unveil its first collaboration, the Breakfast Trunk, for three-star chef Yannick Alléno, who presides at Paris’s Hotel Meurice, the Royal Mansour in Marrakech, Beijing’s Shangri-La, and the recently opened Terroir Parisien in the 5th arrondissement. Moynat, established in 1849, is the newest if not the youngest brand in Bernard Arnault’s luxury stable.
No ordinary piece of luggage with space for plates, Alléno was on hand to crack the eggs for the trunk’s maiden omelette. Working for the past eight months with Aléno, Creative Director Ramesh Nair, went where no malletier has gone before by encasing for the first time a real cooker—a single burner by La Cornue—on a thin slab of black granite atop a Moynat trunk, which opens on two sides for the chef and guests and is outfitted with D. Porthault linens and china and 20 cook-friendly compartments lined in beige Alcantara. Glamorous picnic basket and sleek portable kitchen rolled into one, the cooking trunk weighs just eighty kilos and rests on six small wheels to assure mobility.
In that long line of increasingly personal, state-of-the-art luxury items, Moynat’s Breakfast trunk stands apart on a par with the new flying car and other hybrids that take multifunction to, a new level. It’s available by special order, but before making that commitment, why not try it out with a chef for your own petit déjeuner sur l’herbe for two, hotel-room snack, nibble on the terrace, or poolside refreshment through Moynat and Alléno hotels.