Weekend News Roundup! Emma Watson Leaves Brown; William and Kate Want Beyoncé and Jay-Z; Paul Reiser’s Kaput

Happy Monday! Here’s our compendium of pop-culture news you may have missed while you were doing more important things over the weekend.
• Emma Watson is leaving Brown, reportedly because she wants to pursue courses not offered by the school. We did a quick scan through Brown’s course catalog and must call shenanigans on this excuse: Brown has recently offered courses with titles like “Personal Identity,” “The Boy Problem,” and “The Simple Art of Murder,” so we’re pretty sure she could find whatever she wanted if she looked a little harder. We have a friend who we’re pretty sure graduated from Brown with a major in Feelings and a minor in Creative Headbandry. She must really be leaving because people were making Harry Potter jokes, right? [People]
• According to this admittedly dubious source, Kate Middleton and Prince William have asked Jay-Z and Beyoncé to perform “Crazy in Love” at the party following their wedding reception. This link is worth clicking just to read how the writer opens the article. [Daily Star]
• Rio maintained its #1 spot at the box office this weekend with $26.8M, barely edging out Madea’s Big Happy Family, which made $25.8M. Water for Elephants came in third with $17.5M, followed by Hop and Scream 4. Not many people joined us in seeing African Cats. [BOM]
• Katie Couric will likely officially announce this evening that she’s leaving the CBS Evening News. Scott Pelley is expected to replace her. This doesn’t affect us that much; we’re millennials, so we just get our news downloaded straight to a little chip in our palm. [NYT]
• You can stream the new Fleet Foxes album, Helplessness Blues, in full at the link. [NPR]
• After just two episodes, NBC has canceled The Paul Reiser Show. It was the network’s lowest-rated in-season comedy premiere ever. Insert the Mad About You joke of your choice here. [Deadline]