We Asked TikTok’s Dowsing Rod Expert to Predict the Future

Photo courtesy of Megan of Solar Glow Meditations.
Is Kate Middleton dead? Did the CIA kill Kennedy? Can the dead see us? Our are elections rigged? Some questions are simply too big to be tackled alone, and sometimes only spiritual guidance can provide us the small morsels of relief we crave. At our aid is viral TikToker Megan, aka Solar Glow Meditations, who employs two thin metal dowsing rods that use the earth’s vibrations to supply a very simple “yes” or “no” to man’s most profound inquiries. With a highly anticipated presidential debate looming, Ms. Meditations kindly asked the rods some of our most burning political and pop culture questions, including but not limited to whether or not JD Vance fucks his couch, and if Addison Rae will play Britney Spears in the forthcoming biopic. But once we got the answers, we still wanted more, so we slid into her DM’s to learn about crystals, the afterlife, and weather modification.
EMILY SANDSTROM: Hey, Megan. This is Emily with Interview! Let me know when you’re ready and we can jump right in.
MEGAN: Hi Emily, I’m ready!
MEGAN: 35, Female, North of Seattle.
SANDSTROM: What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
MEGAN: Dream journal always! I’m obsessed with remembering them.
SANDSTROM: What happened in your dream last night?
MEGAN: I had a dream that a person named Levi electrocuted himself. It was really alarming because I was standing in line with friends to go into a religious school of sorts. They made this announcement and everybody had a moment of panic and we all ran. As soon as I got out of the parking structure where the line was, everything seemed to return to normal. I’m not sure who Levi is, but I hope he’s okay!
SANDSTROM: That’s vivid. I hope he’s okay, too. What were your last three Google searches?
MEGAN: I had to Google who Santa Muerte was after I had some comments on it in my last video! Apart from that, I was looking up what time the ice cream shop closes, and how to do a specific formula in excel.
SANDSTROM: What do you make of your skeptics?
MEGAN: Hmm, I’m not really sure I make anything of them. Everybody is in a different place spiritually and religiously. I don’t need to convince anybody because I know what I believe and am comfortable with that. I think the folks that are meant to will find me and my pages!
SANDSTROM: Do the rods attract a lot of negativity online?
MEGAN: I’d say on the whole, it’s actually balanced towards the positive. There are certainly videos that touch on hot-button topics that people are highly passionate about and that can bring out trolls, but that’s not the vast majority of my audience!
SANDSTROM: On that note, what’s the weirdest thing you’ve been asked to predict?
MEGAN: There are some highly specific sports teams and I get asked if they will win. The other one is whether certain cryptocurrencies will reach a certain dollar amount. I know a lot of folks are really invested in it, but some of the cryptocurrency names are pretty esoteric to me! I know almost nothing about it.
SANDSTROM: It would be cool if they shared the money they made from good investments you predicted.
MEGAN: Right?!
SANDSTROM: Can you share a selfie?
SANDSTROM: Wow it looks so peaceful there. Can you describe your private browsing persona in three words?
MEGAN: Deep rabbit holes.
SANDSTROM: Choose one: money or clout.
MEGAN: Money.
MEGAN: I’d rather have financial security over fame. Clout is great, but as an introvert I think it can be exhausting. Don’t get me wrong though, I’m absolutely grateful for my audience and being here chatting with you!
SANDSTROM: We’re happy you’re here! What does your TikTok FYP look like right now?
MEGAN: These are the videos I’ve recently liked! Very spiritual/witchy focused, then lots of the popular/mainstream content. With a fair bit of politics thrown in. Here’s my saved videos. Usually book recommendations!
SANDSTROM: Amazing, thank you! What is the fake weather girl saying in that video? And what book did you most recently finish and did you enjoy it?
MEGAN: My new friend Aime, @thebalesky. She was confirming with first-hand accounts that the weather is being actively managed and had done a stitch with my dowsing rod video. And I just finished Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss. A great read on life after death!
SANDSTROM: What do you believe happens when we pass?
MEGAN: That we all go to the same place to heal and recover and reintegrate to the other side. I don’t believe hell exists as a separate place, only that people see what they expect to see after they die and some people expect it to be awful.
SANDSTROM: I love this and I think you’re right. Have the rods ever misled you?
MEGAN: Sort of, yes. One of the biggest limitations and one of the big criticisms from the spiritual community is that they only answer yes/no questions and it misses a lot of the nuance if you’re not using your other senses/psychic abilities. So while I might get an answer one way or another about something, but it might not be a complete picture of the situation and that can be misleading. The actual answer might be right in isolation though. Wording and intent can also be powerful influences to what the resulting answer is. It’s very much a practice!
SANDSTROM: Which crystals do you consider your must-have?
MEGAN: Selenite, Tiger’s Eye, and Amethyst.
SANDSTROM: What is selenite?
MEGAN: It’s a great cleanser! I love it as a universal crystal.
SANDSTROM: What’s the most recent meme you saved to your phone?
MEGAN: I had this come through as a dowsing rod question: “is a hog dog a sandwich?” This is the meme I prescribe to.
SANDSTROM: Love this. I need to get closer to 1 and further from 6
MEGAN: Haha, me too!
SANDSTROM: What’s the strangest DM you’ve received?
MEGAN: Marriage proposals. But not just one, I’ve received at least 4 in the last 3 months! Flattering, but I just don’t think it’d work out.
SANDSTROM: How do you turn them down?
MEGAN: I just let them know I’m already married, but thanks for the compliment!
SANDSTROM: My last question of the night: have you had any memorable paranormal brush-ups?
MEGAN: Oh goodness, yes! My favorite one: I was staying in a castle for a wedding in June and had a ghost come into my space. He put a song in my head. It sounded like a kid’s song with the words “blinky” in it. I asked Instagram about it and they identified it as the theme song to an Australian cartoon I’ve never heard of! I thought that was incredibly cool. I did kick the ghost out after listening to the song for a bit, I was trying to sleep.