A Cuter Approach to Disease

The time is upon us—no, it isn’t holiday season or sale season. It isn’t even New Moon. It is—Oh! I feel it coming on!—the time of the year when every person you know turns into a snotty, drippy mess; when children on the subway with their stickly little fingers must be reported to an attendant for immediate evacuation.
I even feel it… The chills, the sneezes, the over-medication that makes me feel… And this year we have one more disease to look forward to in Swine Flu. Luckily, GIANTmicrobes has something for you to cuddle up with in your moment of absolute weakness and pariah-dom, and a topical stocking stuffer in the making. It’s the Swine Flu Microbe Plushie, a stuffed form with an adorable red eye that will terrify your hypochondriac roommate, and keep ex-boyfriends and family at bay. This latest addition to the GIANTmicrobe Series follows in the storied tradition of Bird Flu, The Ebola Virus and Gangrene. And at $7.95, it’s cheaper than those meds you’ll inevitably need, if the Senate has anything to do with it…