Room Service: Video Art at the Standard Hotel


We’re going to go out on a limb and say we like Marco Brambilla’s Civilization, the Bosch-like video installation with the eery soundtrack in the elevators leading up the the 18th Floor at the Standard (cough: the Boom Boom Room). It sets a nice, disembodied tone for the bar’s pink womb-with-a-view interior. With the bar set high (and puns running rampant), Creative Time has curated StandART, a selection of ten videos to play in-house at the hotel’s New York, Miami, Hollywood and Downtown LA locations. Brambilla features again, this time in Wall of Death, featuring a hands free bicyclist on a Gravitron. Marilyn Minter’s Green Pink Caviar sounds appetizing, but it’s mostly goo and ultimately won’t compete with the contents of your mini-fridge. But the service is free of charge, and during your stay might just compete with Pay Per View.