Discovery: Peggy Sue

Peggy Sue, that’s who. With the June 1 drop of their debut album, Fossils and Other Phantoms, which was recorded over a year in Brooklyn, Brighton, and London for Yep Roc Records, the British indie folk band, which consists of singers Katy and Rosa, and drummer Olly, have returned to the US to tour. Interview caught up with front girl Katy:
AGE: 24. HOMETOWN: London. CURRENT RESIDENCE: Mostly on tour in a camper van. BROOKLYN VS. LONDON: I have fallen back in love with London since I moved back from Brighton last summer, but I would really love to live in Brooklyn–it was an amazing place to be. INSPIRATION: Becoming a Jackal by Villagers, One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and Series Three of Mad Men. YOUR SOUND: Guitars plus vocals, plus drums, plus more vocals, plus more drums. YOUR ALBUM IN ONE WORD: Melancholy. COVER ART: Benjamin Philips has done all of our artwork. The front cover image is of an empty room, and draws on the main themes of the album—absences and presences, and the emotions and physical beings that remain after various endings. WHAT WOULD PEGGY SUE DO: Be late and make a drum kit out of unreasonable materials. FAVORITE DUO: Tweedledum and Tweedledee. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Swimming, bowling, and reading. BEST NYC MOMENT: We saw a man fall through a roof in a late night record store on the Lower East Side; it was certainly the most dramatic and horrifying moment. BAD HABITS: Cracking my knuckles, being grumpy. GOOD HABITS: Being friendly in the morning. FIRST STAGE PERFORMANCE: Rosa says that she threw up in her mouth as we walked on, but I just remember that I had a really nice new spotty dress.