Exclusive Video Premiere: ‘PSA,’ Junior High

Blame it on the first blush of summer: this week, we’ve been waxing nostalgic for a pre-Millennial age. Specifically, the mid-to-late ’80s, when all you needed to feel like a star was a basement, some primitive video graphics, a public-access slot, a pair of sunglasses, and a like-minded pal.
With their new video for “PSA,” which we’re pleased to exclusively premiere today, Leucadia, California-based synth-pop duo Junior High (comprised of Michael Deakers and Josh Ottum) hearkens back to the days of Weird Science and “Wayne’s World.” With neon lyric guides bopping around the screen, plenty of lamé backdrops, self-consciously low production values, and a special appearance by some actually-pretty-talented breakdancers, Deakers and Ottum nod to the age of sincerity. Llyrics like, “And if you like yourself, and if you like your friends / The message that we send is the party never ends,” drive their message home. These guys are here to party, and darned if you’re not going to join in. Cowabunga!