Exclusive Video Premiere: ‘Drone On,’ Physical Therapy

In his new video for “Drone On,” Brooklyn-based DJ Physical Therapy, the “urban cowboy,” drives along a grass-lined highway in an all-white cowboy suit (complete with a crisp white Stetson). He is, it seems, in search of his bride, played by Jamie Krasner. His pick-up is littered with cow-print balloons, cans, and a “just married” cardboard sign, and an angsty, ash-ladened cigarette hangs from his left hand. It is a curious, inspired mix of sound and imagery: Euro dance beats and Klausner’s ethereal vocals bleeding into drum and bass, accompanying shots of turntables in a wheat field, roller-skating brides, and a cowboy dressed for Saint Tropez. The video, directed by Jake Moore and styled by Akeem Smith, is the first from Physical Therapy’s debut EP, Safety Net, and we’re happy to offer you an exclusive premiere, which you can stream above.