Shark Night 3D: Katharine McPhee

Name: Katharine McPhee
Age: 27
Hometown: Los Angeles
What’s your greatest fear? Dying alone. 🙁
If you could sic a shark on anyone in the world, who would it be? I don’t have to sic a shark on the person I am thinking of, because he is already dead… take a guess!
Do you have any special shark-fighting methods? I just go straight for the eyes and then I make my escape.
What about tips for innocent vacationers who want to avoid getting devoured? Don’t go swimming alone!
If the Jaws shark had to go up against a shark in Shark Night 3D, who do you think would win? Our shark would beat the Jaws shark, because our sharks are new and Jaws is old and broken down—probably doesn’t work very well anymore.
What’s your favorite scary movie? Scream… Those really scared the s*&t out of me… And it’s my favorite, because isn’t that what scary movies are supposed to do? Scare you. Right.
What else do you have coming up? I am in a new TV series for NBC called Smash, airing next year on February 6th, about the making of a Broadway show. Fun stuff!