Dave Franco recommends Wild Wild Country, the Netflix docuseries with a cult following
In his recent conversation with comedian Jerrod Carmichael, Dave Franco mentions how much he likes Wild Wild Country, the new 6-part docuseries that has taken the Netflix-viewing world by storm.
FRANCO: I like both. I used to like travelling a little more than I do now, just because I really do love home, and I like being with my wife. I feel pretty domesticated these days, and I’m very happy about that. I mean, my idea of an exciting weekend is staying in and watching documentaries with my cats. Speaking of, did you see Wild Wild Country?
CARMICHAEL: What’s that?
FRANCO: You don’t know what it is?
FRANCO: It’s a new thing on Netflix about a cult leader in the ’80s in Oregon, and that’s all I should say ’cause it unravels in a pretty amazing way.
CARMICHAEL: Not a fake one of the famous cult leaders, just a…
FRANCO: I mean, it was pretty big, to the point I was surprised I had never heard about it. But, check it out, it’s worth it.
Wild Wild Country recounts the story of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, a controversial Indian guru who brings his followers (called Rajneeshees) to Oregon circa 1982, where they attempt to build a utopian commune in the remote wilderness. The commune—which balloons to a startling 7,000 inhabitants—quickly starts clashing with the local ranchers, who want nothing to do with their free-love-and-meditation way of life. Throughout the ’80s, the group (they roundly reject the term ‘cult’) becomes more and more dysfunctional, and things, eventually, turn deadly.
The series was co-produced by Room 104-creators Jay and Mark Duplass, who clearly have a flair for horror.
We agree with Dave—watch Wild Wild Country. It’s really something.