Georgia May Jagger

At 17, Georgia May Jagger is the youngest daughter of Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall. But rock-star father and supermodel mother aside, things became atypical for this wee Jagger only recently, when she became the face of the newly revamped denim line Hudson Jeans. Now she’s a full-grown supermodel in the making. This is Interview’s 40th anniversary issue, and as we look back through the archives, we’re seeing a lot of your parents. Have they shown you any old pictures? I’ve seen photos of Mum as a girl just before she left for Paris, like in her graduation picture. Let’s just say she changed a lot in one year. Any of your dad? We have a snap of my dad wearing blue eye shadow, which I would always make fun of. When I was about 12 and first started wearing lipstick, my dad would ask, “Are you wearing makeup?” I would say back, “You’re wearing more makeup there than I am!” Growing up, were you aware that your parents’ jobs weren’t average gigs? Not really. When I went on tour with my father, I knew he was a musician. But they were my parents. I still think of my mum as being kind of a dork—a cooler one, but still a dork. The fashion world has taken a real shine to you, gap tooth and all. Ha! I think my gap adds character. A while ago, on the street, a guy yelled, “You could stick a gold through your front teeth!” Which meant I could put a £1 coin between them. But you can’t. I’ve tried! Fifty-pence coins and 2-pence coins, yes. But not a pound.
Photo credit: Georgia May Jagger in Los Angeles, July 2009. Blouse, bikini, and scarf: Prada. Shorts: Hudson Jeans. Hair products: Leonor Greyl, including Eclat Naturel. Fragrance: L’eau Ambrée by Prada. Hair: Terry Millet/Photogenics Beauty at Smashbox. Makeup: Mark Carrasquillllo/Art + Commerce.