Weekend News Roundup! Eurovision, Spicey, & Paul the Pirate

Happy Monday. Here’s our compendium of pop culture news you may have missed while you were doing more important things over the weekend.
• The Eurovision Song Contest happened! Portugal won for the first-time ever. Bulgaria came in second. A “Ukrainian prankster” crashed the stage and mooned people while someone named Jamala, who apparently won last year, was singing. [BBC]
• Paul McCartney confirmed his role in the fifth Pirates of the Caribbean film. [Twitter]
• Former FBI director James Comey went to see Fun Home on Broadway. [Vulture]
• Oh dear, Guy Ritchie’s King Arthur didn’t do too well at the box office this weekend. [BOM]
• Melissa McCarthy’s Spicey returned to SNL. [NYT]
• Here is a video Harry Style’s covering Kanye’s “Ultralight Beam.” [Pitchfork]
• Whoops… [Rolling Stone]