Weekend News Roundup! Emmys for Paltrow and Timberlake; Williamson Takes on Ladurée; SpongeBob Ruins Kids

Happy Monday! Here’s our compendium of pop-culture news you may have missed while you were doing more important things over the weekend.
• Gwyneth Paltrow won an early Emmy on Saturday for her guest-starring role on Glee, and Justin Timberlake won two, both for SNL. Paltrow has an Oscar and Timberlake has a half-dozen Grammys, so they’re both halfway to EGOT status; we personally think Timberlake will get there first, but we’re willing to entertain arguments on Paltrow’s behalf. [Vulture]
• Matthew Williamson designed a psychedelic box for Ladurée that looks to be inspired by insect wings. It’s really cool, and will debut in London and Paris on the first day of each city’s Fashion Week. [Racked]
• Contagion unseated The Help as this weekend’s box-office winner, with $23.2M. The rest of the numbers were pretty dismal: The Help made $8.7M, Warrior opened with $5.6M, The Debt made $4.9M, and Columbiana brought in $4M. [BOM]
• The creators of the Broadway musical [title of show] will premiere their newest offering off-Broadway at the Vineyard Theater, and it has the equally typographically annoying title of Now. Here. This. [ArtsBeat/NYT]
• A study claims that watching as little as nine minutes of SpongeBob SquarePants can cause attention problems in 4-year-olds. Nickelodeon is disputing the study, and will continue to do so until it is distracted by a shiny thing or a fire truck. [THR]
• Paul Simon performed “Sound of Silence” at Ground Zero on Sunday during a ceremony for the tenth anniversary of 9/11. [People]