Snap it Up! Lady Gaga Debuts a Line for Polaroid

The Consumer Electronics Show, an annual techie trade show currently happening in Las Vegas, isn’t the first place we’d have expected to see Lady Gaga this week. The Whole Foods on the Bowery? Sure! An impromptu set of jazz standards at the Oak Room? Why not! But an electronics show?

It turns out there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation: La Gaga stopped by to promote a new line of Polaroid products (it somehow escaped our notice that one of the many things she accomplished in 2010 was becoming the brand’s creative director). The line is called Gray Label, and it includes a small, portable photo printer that connects to your cell-phone to print phone pics via Bluetooth; a new camera that functions as both an old-style instant Polaroid and a digital camera; and, most exciting of all, a pair of sunglasses with a USB drive in the earpiece, which take photo and video and display the image you’ve just taken on the lens. It is officially the future.

Gaga dressed relatively demurely for the event, sporting a long black jersey dress by 26-year-old RISD grad Sally LaPointe, pink hair, sunglasses, and a veil. And her explanations of the products were relatively toned-down, as well—with one little exception. While demonstrating the mobile-phone-picture printer, poised to take a photo of the crowd, Gaga smiled a bit wickedly and said, “Smile, you’re so fuckin’ famous!” There’s our girl.
