On Tour With Marilyn Minter
On the eve of their initial exhibition last year at New York’s Salon 94 Freemans, I stopped by Marilyn Minter’s Soho studio for a peek at her Mouth series. Not unlike Hans Namuth’s photographs of Jackson Pollock, Minter had captured subjects marking glass—in the latter case, models regurgitating unreal foodstuffs. Minter’s probing, sometimes repulsing investigations into consumer culture, and the work’s slick pop sensibility have opened her work to a variety of commercial clients—not just luxury brands like Tom Ford, but cosmetics giant MAC and Supreme skateboards.
In preparation for her show at Regen Projects, we ask Minter what she learned from Madonna. For the full interview click on to Art in America.
Marilyn Minter, Saturday through Decebmer 5 at Regen Projects and Regen Projects II, 633 N. Almont Drive and 9016 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles. Left: Pamela Anderson, Tanline, 2007–2009. Courtesy the artist and Regen Projects.