Spela Kasal-Berlet

ANDAM: The Race is On

May 13, 2013

In its 24th year, the ten designers on ANDAM’s 2013 list of finalists read like a who’s who of fashion’s newest and brightest.

Olympia Le-Tan Is More Than Bookish

February 29, 2012

Money, corruption, and the bourgeoisie are the inspirations behind the ever-clever Olympia Le-Tan’s fall ‘12 collection of literary handbags. “It was actually Olivier Zahm’s idea,” she says, smirking from behind the desk in her colorfully quaint Paris studio. Apparently, the Purple magazine editor, who’s one of Le-Tan’s close friends, gifted her a book about cash (although she can’t remember which one, exactly) and the collection evolved from there.