Soundclouds of the Underground: Halloween Party Edition

These days, music truly lives online, with an infinite number of websites dedicated to hosting tunes for the laptop-wielding masses. However, the web’s bottomless pit of blogs isn’t the only place to troll for mp3 treasures—some of the most new and exciting (Internet-friendly) artists can be sought out via Soundcloud, the online stage that allows musicians to promote and distribute their music to fans and friends across the globe. In this weekly column, expert Internet sleuth Alex Chapman goes deep into the depths of the music-sharing site, in hopes of shedding light on emerging acts, as well as sharing some digital diamonds in the rough.
Halloween hits next Wednesday, but those too old for trick-or-treating will likely choose the coming weekend to don their figure-hugging fabrics, animal ears, and gory latex masks. That being said, we have a fair amount of parties to attend (costume changes are a must), so we figured we’d be a good guest to you all and post three songs that should be on every host’s Hallow’s Eve playlist in 2012.
The Pass: “Alone Again”
Who: This Louisville-based band makes peppy synth pop-rock that sounds like a head-banging smiley face. The four-person group (Will Roberts, Neil Lucas, Brian Healey, and Kyle Peters compose the quartet) can channel edgy and cheesy in the same track—the best part is that they seem to do so on purpose, a smart move in a world overrun with super-serious indie outfits.
The Song: Every good party needs a positive-sounding power jam to kick things off, and “Alone Again” seems destined to take that spot by storm. Emitting a vibe akin to Passion Pit’s “Sleepyhead,” Vocalist Kyle Peter’s pseudo-raspy range ventures to epic proportions during the catchy chorus, riding effortlessly alongside the crunchy guitar riff in a way that’ll surely let the frat boy inside you free.
Current Project: The Pass’ second album, Melt, will be available November 2nd. For more on the band, visit their Facebook page.
Buddy X: “Internet LQ”
Who: After an intense rummaging of the web, not much info could be found on Buddy X; whether he’s a performer, producer or both, we are still unsure. All we do know is that according to his Facebook page, he hails from Queens, NY, and cites one-dollar pizza and Barbara Walters among his interests (who knew we’d have so much in common!).
The Song: It’s time to turn the party up—the guys who came dressed as the Super Friends are hopped up on grain punch, and the anonymous person in the bunny suit is gearing up to break dance. Turn on “Internet LQ”—a song celebrating all that we hold digitally dear, this track combines a choppy piano lick, a bigger-than-big bass, and a sing-songy refrain we can’t seem to get out of our head.
Current Project: Buddy X also released a collab with producer Chalices of the Past, which can be heard (along with earlier material) on his Soundcloud. Glean what you can from his Facebook (good luck!).
Jeedo: “Make It Boom”
Who: Better known as Waajeed, the underground star—and one half of relatively known duo Platinum Pied Pipers—is your producer’s favorite producer, his style a perfect union of old-school soul and new school hip-hop sounds, with a hint of classic rock thrown in for good gluteal-shaking measure.
The Song: If you’ve played your cards right, everybody’s in the zone and on the floor, which is as good a time as any to take it to funky town via Jeedo’s groovy jam “Make It Boom.” Waves of synth come in tiny taps and blooming bursts while some strong claps keep everything in check, but it’s really the hook that helps you recognize this song as something special.
Current Project: Jeedo has a few fresh cuts out at the moment via his Soundcloud, but new material will surely pop up soon following his appearance on BBC Radio 1 with Benji B last night.