Casting Call: Hatching Twitter

In which we suggest who would star in the next big adaptation, remake, or historical film.

Fans of David Fincher and Aaron Sorkin’s The Social Network can get excited. A television treatment of another Silicon Valley social media giant is in the works, based off Nick Bilton’s recent book about the birth and evolution of Twitter, Hatching Twitter. Like Facebook, Twitter has seen a good deal of backstabbing, power grabbing, and near disasters in its short life, so it’s not really surprising that the dramatic origin story is being brought to the small screen. 

The show’s narrative will follow Twitter’s four founders: Evan “Ev” Williams, Jack Dorsey, Christopher “Biz” Stone, and Noah Glass. In Bilton’s exhaustively researched book, media darling Jack Dorsey gets the harshest treatment, while co-creator Ev Williams shines as the ousted leader.

Lionsgate TV optioned the development rights to Hatching Twitter: A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship, and Betrayal in December 2013 and attached Hunger Games: Catching Fire producer, Alli Shearmur, to executive produce. Since then, media waves have been relatively quiet on the project. No start date, network, or casting info has been revealed, so we’re going to take a little liberty here and just throw out some casual suggestions. But really. Take our suggestions Lionsgate.

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