Garfield the Cat Rolls Out of Bed and into Four of This Season’s Hottest Looks

Shirt, Shorts, Bag Necklace, Bag, and Shoes by Fendi.
Garfield may be known for his love of lasagna, and his insistent determination to remain physically unmoved, but little do people know that he has a long history as a fashion icon, with a robust closet filled with Fendi logo shorts, plaid Marni suits, and sparkly workout headbands by Adam Selman. (He’s a member of Equinox, now.) For our Spring issue, we decided it was time to announce that this cat has another life outside the standard-issue nine, so we asked him to roll out of bed and try on some of the hottest looks off this season’s catwalks.

Blazer, Shirt, Pants, Hat, and Shorts by Marni.

T-shirt, Shorts, Sweatband, and Wristbands by Adam Selman Sport. Shoes Garfield’s own.

Sweater and Boxers by Gucci.