Flip Flopping on Summer Flats
Photo courtesy of the Gap
We don’t necessarily give a blanket endorsement to flat sandals in the city—we don’t care how hot it’s been, or how hot it gets. A girl could fall in the cracks between the sidewalk and mess up her pedicure. But there’s a Gap we can support—and now the iconic brand’s flagship store has an Urban Beach Flip-Flop Shop where you can customize your footwear, to boot. You can pick the base of your Havaianas and a colored strap; there are even charms you can add for beach bedazzlement. The Flip-Flop Shop will be up through the end of June, but you can only design your own today, April 30, and on the weekends. The in-store embellishment is on in the store during regular hours.
The Flip Flop Pop Up Store is located on Fifth Avenue between 53rd and 54th Streets.