Weekend News Roundup! Happy Pride

Happy Monday! Here’s our compendium of pop-culture news you may havemissed while you were doing more important things over the weekend.
• Happy Pride! Lady Gaga returned to the stage over the weekend to sing the national anthem at the particularly joyous, post-DOMA Pride Parade in New York. [The Guardian]
• Another joyful return was that of Mumford & Sons, who rocked Glastonbury after bass player Ted Dwane’s recent emergency surgery. [Rolling Stone]
• Following in the footsteps of Marilyn Monroe (well, sort of), Jennifer Lopez created quite the controversy singing “Happy Birthday” to the leader of the former Soviet country Turkmenistan during her Saturday show. On Sunday she apologized, claiming she had “no knowledge of human rights issues” in that country. [People]
• Monsters University continued in the top spot at the box office, while The Heat proved that female sidekicks are more badass than the chiseled duo in White House Down. [BOM]
• Maybe America would rather watch Tatum as the lead in “Waffle House Down.” [NY Daily News]
• Speaking of parodies, Lena Dunham can’t stop making them. [EW]
• Jessica Simpson gave birth to her second son, Ace Knute Johnson with fiancé Eric Johnson. [Huffington Post]