10 Picks from Portland2016
July 20, 2016
For Portland2016, curator Michelle Grabner has forged her own Oregon Trail; it features contemporary art rather than dying oxen and necessitates a GPS in lieu of tracing a wagon trail.

Nalini Malani Tells a Story
June 28, 2016
Artist Nalini Malani’s exhortations to address violence are particularly poignant after this month’s tragedies.

The Life of a Writer
June 21, 2016
Out today, Bukowski in a Sundress (Penguin Books), Kim Addonizio’s new collection of essays, explores the author’s life as a writer.

10 Picks from Frieze New York 2016
May 5, 2016
Mirrors are a predominant theme at the fifth annual edition of Frieze New York on Randall’s Island.