Antoine Leiris’s Search for Transcendence
October 27, 2016
In a world of anodyne literature, Antoine Leiris’s You Will Not Have My Hate stands out like a flare in the night.

Max Porter’s Mis-Remembrance of Things Past
June 3, 2016
English editor and writer Max Porter’s debut novel Grief Is the Thing with Feathers (Graywolf Press) dramatizes one family’s experience of loss, mourning, and love.

Plumbing the Depths
June 26, 2015
With all of the blunt meta-sincerity that its title suggests, Nick Flynn’s fourth collection of poetry, My Feelings (Graywolf), is unafraid to claim the mind’s dark and self-destructive corners as its own.

Pool of Tears
January 16, 2015
What could be more private than the act of crying? What could be less permanent than a tear?

Kevin Powers, In and Out of Conflict
March 31, 2014
Kevin Powers’ new book of poetry, Letter Composed During a Lull in the Fighting, out this month, carries us across the rhythms of the soldier’s consciousness, the painful experience of waiting for the return of a loved one, and the profound difficulty of readjusting to life in the aftermath of combat.