Like most dads, Winifred Conradi has no problem embarrassing his daughter for the greater good. We'd like to see Bill Murray in this role, preferably wearing those same plaid madras pants he sported in Moonrise Kingdom. Very dad-chic.
For the part of Winifred Conradi's daughter, the business-consultant and kick-ass feminist Ines Conradi, we'd like to suggest Elizabeth Banks. Banks' reoccurring role as Avery Jessup on the NBC series 30 Rock should serve as more than enough preparation for a character with Ines' witty and dry humor.
We see Will Arnett, another Arrested Development alum, as Tim, Ines' slightly shady, but ultimately attractive work rival and love interest.
With Lena Dunham and Jenni Konner expected to be behind the scenes, we anticipate at least one of the actresses from Girls in front of the camera. We have our fingers crossed for Zosia Mamet, aka Shoshanna Shapiro, as Ines' assistant, Anca.
Judy Greer is our first choice for Ines Conradi's insincere, ex-friend Steph—the one who only exacerbates Ines' neuroticism. It's not new territory for Greer, who has made a career out of playing cynical best friends, but we'd like to see her make Steph her own.
We recommend Corey Stoll to play Henneberg, the CEO of the German oil company that Ines aspires to do business with. Stoll has a commanding air about him, and we'd like to see him in a more comedic context.