The novel's hero Tom Joad returns from four years in prison with a carpe diem attitude towards life. Having lost so much time behind bars, he vows to live in the moment and for his own benefit—not caring about outside factors or the world at large. Through his journeys, and with the help of his wise friend Jim Casey, he cannot avoid the injustices around him and eventually finds his voice as a public activist. Ryan Gosling has got the American looks and attitude, plus the acting chops to pull off this huge role. We've seen Gosling as both the daredevil and the hero in the past and can't imagine anyone else better for the part.
Al Joad is Tom Joad's hotheaded, smug younger brother, who can't keep himself from chasing cars and girls. His mechanic skills come in handy, though, as the Joads travel across the country and he grows up in the process. Josh Hutcherson, known best for his role in The Hunger Games, may be young, but he can handle serious parts. His likeness to Ryan Gosling, who also got his start at a young age, would help make this role a lot more believable on screen.
An ex-preacher who's sinned more than a few times, Jim Casey still expels wisdom and spirituality to the other characters around him, namely Tom Joad. Because of his philosophical teachings and ability to inspire those around him to take up greater cause, many see his initials J.C. as a reference to Jesus Christ himself. Matthew McConaughey is certainly eccentric enough to play a sinful preacher, and we think he could rally an audience as well.
Unlike Ma Joad, Pa Joad breaks under the struggles of migrating to California. He cares deeply for his family and plans their trip meticulously, but when unforeseen events throw them off course, he can't seem to get himself back on track and Ma Joad is forced to take the reins. Jeff Bridges was born in Los Angeles, but he's somehow cultivated a drawly country voice and persona (which won him a Best Actor Oscar for Crazy Heart) that matches Pa Joad's. Bridges' endearing performance pitted against Kathy Bates' ball-busting character would make for an entertaining match.
Ma Joad is the matriarch of the family, who holds everyone together as they face various challenges while crossing the country. She rules with an iron fist, but her love for family is undeniable. Kathy Bates has a Best Actress Oscar under her belt for her performance in Misery and she's a Southern girl at heart, making her perfect for the strong role of Ma Joad.
The young Rose of Sharon is pregnant throughout the Joads' journey out west. She and her husband Connie, who's equally as young and naive, have high hopes for their new life in California. Innocent and doe-eyed, Mia Wasikowska, known for her roles as Alice in Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland and Jane in Jane Eyre, is delicate enough to play Rose of Sharon but also mature enough for the character's growth over the course of the book.