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Casting Call: Doc Savage

The only villain to appear in more than one Doc Savage book, John Sunlight is presented as Savage's equal and opposite. Thought to be the inspiration for comic book villain Dr. Doom, Sunlight is an idealistwho  wants to end famine, disease, and human suffering by taking control of the human race. Although he's been burdened with two and a half major movie franchises (Sherlock Holmes and Iron Man/The Avengers), Robert Downey Jr. would be the perfect foil to Gosling's Savage.

Photo by
Karen Kuehn, Interview, April 1989.




Doc Savage boasts an almost comical catalogue of heroic traits and qualities. Trained by a team of scientists since his birth, Savage developed—among other things—a superhuman strength, constitution, memory, mastery of disguise, and knowledge of science and martial arts. Also, he's ridiculously good-looking and is nicknamed "The Man of Bronze." There's only one person for this role, an actor whose looks are surpassed only by his sensitivity. Ryan Gosling is the sole human who could believably contain all these traits and combine them with what writer Don Lester described as "Christliness."


One of Savage's Fantastic Five, Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Blodgett "Monk" Mayfair is a gifted industrial chemist. Monk, portrayed as having a long arms and striking red hair, has an ongoing feud with Ham Brooks, another member of the Fantastic Five. The logical choice to play him is ginger-haired Rupert Grint, who is in search of another series after Harry Potter.


Brigadier General Theodore Marley "Ham" Brooks, who got his name after Monk Mayfair successfully framed him of stealing a bunch of pigs from a military commissary, is a brilliant attorney who has only lost one case (it was the one with the pigs). Robert Pattinson would be an excellent choice to play the debonair and witty Brooks, who carries a trademark anaesthetic-dipped sword cane.

Photo by Marc Segal
, Interview, November 2008.


Although described in the books as tall and extremely thin with black hair, we think Sam Rockwell would be perfect to play the part of the scruffy archaeologist William Harper "Johnny" Littlejohn. Arrested on trumped-up charges of espionage, Littlejohn is also known for never using a small word when a huge one would suffice. His catchphrase? "I'll be superamalgamated!" Sounds, uh, charming.


The lone recurring character that is not Doc Savage, Johnny Sunlight, or one of the Fabulous Five, Patricia Savage, is Doc Savage's only living relative. Patricia is basically the female version of her more famous cousin and, like him, excels in almost all areas of adventuring and heroism. Scarlett Johansson, already blessed with significant action movie experience, would be an excellent choice as the series female lead.

Photo by Solve Sundsbo, Interview, November 2011