Just landed in the United States! First stop: Chicago. The Crown Fountain in Millenium Park is fantastic!
Finding out what this week has in store and grabbing a cup of coffee at the same time.
Next stop, Niagra Falls. Breathtaking. (Shirt: Ben Sherman)
Narcissism at the Bean!
Only in Ontario... the game are prepared for anything here!
Absurd amount of legroom, thanks United Airways.
Had to take a photo of this view from John Hancock Airport.
Scenic views of the Detroit skyline from Corktown.
At the Motown Museum in Detroit, getting excited for Thursday's performance at Ben Sherman.
A perfect way to spend the holiday weekend-- cliff jumping.
Everlasting sparklers!
Pontooning in style. (Shirt: Ben Sherman)
Serene view of the sunset from the dock.
Washed out in Chinatown. Goodbye Toronto... (Pants: Ben Sherman)
...hello New York! View from the Standard East Village. (Shirt: Ben Sherman)
Grabbing a quick lunch before heading out to prepare for tonight! (shirt: Ben Sherman)
Soundcheck... see you tonight! (Suit: Ben Sherman)