The Oscars are the Super Bowl of the entertainment world, so don’t be afraid to treat them how the guys would: with Oscar pool sheets, like these , and a modest buy-in. Ideally, you can make your picks sober and have your guests make theirs after a couple of glasses of punch—what's a little wager between friends?
Photo courtesy of The Academy Awards
Greet your guests the same way the Academy Awards are greeting theirs: with a cool glass of Moet Silver Screen Punch, created by celebrity chef Katie Lee, which will be served at the Governors Ball to all the nominees (except, we presume, Hailee Steinfeld). In a blender, combine one 6-oz. can of partially thawed pink lemonade concentrate, 8 oz. pineapple juice, one cup frozen strawberries, and 1/2 tsp. grated ginger. Blend until smooth. Pour into a punch bowl. Add one cup Belvedere vodka and stir to combine. Just before serving, pour in 1 bottle Moet & Chandon. Add frozen pineapple rings and settle in for the night.
Photo courtesy of Moet
If your crowd doesn't get their jollies from exploring dark crevices and rock climbing, try honoring James Franco’s intense portrayal of Aron Ralston in the kitchen with Mark Bittman's classic, beloved Chicken Under a Brick recipe. And be careful when cutting the chicken—here's hoping the only flesh wound of the evening is the one that got Franco his nomination.
First things first: who are you wearing? Anyone can be a golden goddess with this bold, sexy Diane Von Furstenberg gown, available at Saks . It's our pick for best dressed of the night... so what if you’re just in your East Village apartment, and the only red carpet around involves an unfortunate incident with a box of Franzia last summer?
Photo courtesy of Saks
If Natalie Portman taught us anything this year, it's that we all have a little white swan and a little black swan in us. Salute Portman's jaw-dropping performance with the classic multiple-personality cookie-the black-and-white. For bonus veracity points, buy a bunch of mini-cookies from William Greenberg Desserts (the #1 black-and-white cookie in the city)-the bigger version won't jibe with your Black Swan diet.
Photo courtesy of William Greenberg Desserts
Just before Best Actress is announced, elicit applause from your guests when you bring out a tray of 16 nominee cookies from Eleni's Bakery. Best of all, Eleni's offers same-day delivery, so you can pull this one off even if you spent all weekend admiring your Oscar gown in the mirror. They also offer Best Actor and Best Picture cookies and cupcakes, if you're feeling wild.
Photo courtesy of Eleni's Bakery