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Elevation 1049 Avalanche

Ryoji Ikeda, test pattern (nº11), 2017. Photo: Stefan Altenburger. Courtesy of the artist and LUMA Foundation. 

Superflex, The Return of Pablo, 2017. Photo: Stefan Altenburger. Courtesy of the artist and LUMA Foundation. 



Michaël Borremans, Rosa, 2017. Photo: Stefan Altenburger. Courtesy of the artist and LUMA Foundation. 

Thomas Schütte, Kristall II, 2014. Photo: Stefan Altenburger. Courtesy of the artist and LUMA Foundation. 

Douglas Gordon & Morgane Tschiember, As close as you can for as long as it lasts, 2017. Photo: Stefan Altenburger. Courtesy of the artist and LUMA Foundation.