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Nancy Borowick

Self-portrait, July 2013. All photographs courtesy of the artist. 

The Kitchen Dance, February 2013.

In the kitchen, Howie breaks into a bouncing dance to try and get a smile out of his wife, Laurel. They often turned to humor to lighten the heavy mood in the home. 

On The Bathroom Floor, March 2013.

Howie and Laurel sit next to the bathroom telephone as they hear the most recent news from their oncologist—good scans for both of them, and their respective tumors are shrinking. What if one got good news and one got bad? Do they celebrate for themselves and mourn for the other? 

The Embrace, March 2013.

Howie and Laurel Borowick embrace in the bedroom of their home. In their 34 year marriage, they never could have imagined being diagnosed with stage-four cancer at the same time. 

Home at Sunset, December 2013.

Laurel Borowick rests on the shoulder of her son, Matthew, as they ride in the limousine to her husband's burial on Long Island. 

The Flowers, May 2014.

Howard always dealt with hiring and talking with the gardeners each spring so after he passed away, that responsibility fell onto Laurel. Upon hearing of his death, the owner of the company sent over flowers, genuinely heartbroken of the news. Laurel round a perfect place to hang them on the back patio. 

Last Touch, December 2014.

Her chest rose and fell with long, silent pauses in between. The family watched, telling her that they’d be ok and she could let go. Laurel took her final breath. 

A Moment With Her Youngest, December 2014.

In planning for her death, Laurel was always thinking about others. In this case, she was thinking about the Earth, requesting that she be buried in a sustainable wood casket. Her son Matthew looks over the casket before it is removed from the hearse.