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A Canvas the Color of the Wall

Claude Rutault, de-finition/medthod #447, Full-length Self-portrait, 2011. Paint on canvas. 168 x 110 cm, 33 x 22 cm. Photo: Antoine Cadot, courtesy Galerie Perrotin. 

Claude Rutault, de-finition/medthod #236, Goldfish Go Painting, 2005. Paint on canvas, aquarium. Dimensions variable. Photo: Antoine Cadot, courtesy Galerie Perrotin. 

Claude Rutault, de-finition/medthod #375, Address, 1990. Installed at the Le Consortium, Dijon, France, 2012. Paint on canvas. Dimensions variable. Photo: Antoine Cadot, courtesy Galerie Perrotin. 

Claude Rutault, de-finition/medthod #231, After the Masters: Watteau, 'Gersaint's Shop Sign', 1986. Paint on canvas, framed engraving on paper. Dimensions variable. Photo: Antoine Cadot, courtesy Galerie Perrotin. 

Claude Rutault, de-finition/medthod #458, Puppets, 1994. Paint on canvas. Dimensions variable. Photo: Antoine Cadot, courtesy Galerie Perrotin.