Sole-Less Fashion
(Left: Aminaka Wilmont; right: Antonio Berardi)
For Spring 2009, London designers Maki Aminaka and Marcus Wilmont’s show floored audiences with sole-less footwear. The Danish duo, who won London Fashion Week’s Fashion Fringe trophy in 2007, showed a leather wrap and a wooden spine that runs up the back of the calf, not unlike that of a splint. The footwear is all heel and straps. With nothing to support the sole of the foot, the wearer can expect a callus or two. A war’s afoot, as these sole-less shoes appeared at the same time as Antonio Berardi’s Victoria Beckham-approved heel-less shoes and boots for Spring and Fall 08. To women around the world Balenciaga’s six-inch rubber platform lace-ups aren’t looking so bad.