Weekend News Roundup! Lohan, Lorax



Happy Monday! Here’s our compendium of pop-culture news you may have missed while you were doing more important things over the weekend.

•  Lindsay Lohan hosted Saturday Night Live over the weekend; she was not very good, but at least she reportedly stuck to her sober guns and didn’t drink at the after-party. (Her mom brought ex-Real Housewife Jill Zarin to the party—we wonder whether that was fun or embarrassing for LiLo.)

•  Ruh roh: Sony says several Michael Jackson tracks were stolen from its website during the massive Sony hack last April. They haven’t said which ones. [ArtsBeat/NYT]

•  Weird week for Jackson news: British tabloid The Sun is reporting that Whitney Houston had a yearlong affair with Jermaine Jackson way back in the beginning of her career, and that Whitney’s song “Saving All My Love for You” is about him. [Popdust]

•  You can watch a video here of a reading staged over the weekend of writer Dustin Lance Black’s 8, a play about Prop 8. George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Jamie Lee Curtis, and many more stars helped out. [Deadline]

•  The Lorax made a lot of money—$70.7M—this weekend, somehow, despite every indication that upstanding Americans shouldn’t see it. Project X opened in second with $20.8M; Act of Valor, Safe House, and Good Deeds eked out the rest of the top five with $13.7M, $7.2M, and $7M. Wake us up when the quirky summer indies start coming out. [BOM]

•  More than two billion DVDs and video have now been rented via Redbox machines; the two billionth was a DVD copy of Drive. Could have been much worse. [THR